Join waitinglist

This event is full at the moment. Please enter information in the form below to join waiting list for event Intro to Paddlesport.  If someone cancels their registration for the event, we will inform you so that you can join this event.

The Kayak Coach Ltd often film or take photographs of participants engaged in activities which we publish on our social media channels to allow participants to view after the event. We may also occasionally use such media for publicity purposes, which may include publicising images on our own or third party websites. If you DO NOT agree to us using photographs or footage that includes you, please tick the box below.

Medical Declaration

Do you have asthma, bronchitis, a heart condition, diabetes, severe headaches, travel sickness, fits, fainting or blackouts?
Do you have an allergy to known medication, pollen, materials, food, plasters or other items?
Do you have a disability, learning condition or medical condition which may affect your participation or learning?
Have you been vaccinated against tetantus in the last ten years?
Are you receiving medical or surgical treatment of any kind from either your family doctor or hospital or been given specific medical advice to follow in an emergency?
Are you affected by broken bones, back pain or pregnancy?
The list above is not exhaustive, if you suffer any other medical or physical impairment please provide details.

If you answer YES to any of the above questions please give details in the box below:


Paddlesports & cycling are activities with a risk of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of & accept these risks whilst being aware they are responsible for their own actions & involvement.
The Kayak Coach will not be responsible for any loss or injury sustained by the participant that arise as a result of the participants own negligence.
Safety is of utmost importance; therefore the participant must act on any requests that are made by this instructor in the interest of health and safety.
The instructor will immediately terminate the activity for any participant who refuses to act on their instructions.

By accepting this Disclaimer, I confirm that I have read, understood & agree to the Disclaimer & that I have provided all relevant information under the Medical Declaration section on this form.

Payment Information

By registering for this event and agreeing to the Privacy Policy, you agree to this website storing your information.